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Maui, Kauai, Lanai & Big Island Injuries
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About Injury Lawyer Hawaii- Christian Attorney Wm Lawson
Insurance Coverage for Injuries - Hawaii
Types of Injury
Brain & Head Injuries - Hawaii
Spinal Cord Injuries- SCI - Hawaii
Catastrophic Injury Claims - Hawaii
Wrongful Death Claims - Hawaii
Broken Bone Injuries - Hawaii
Burn Accidents (Fire or Chemical) - Hawaii
Disc | Disk Injuries - Hawaii
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Car Accidents - Hawaii
Drunk Driver Accidents - Hawaii
Truck and Bus Accidents - Hawaii
Moped and Pedestrian Accidents - Hawaii
Auto Claims and Insurance - Hawaii
Motorcycle Claims & Insurance - Hawaii
Other Accidents
Defective Products Liability - Hawaii
Ocean, Boating & Maritime Accidents - Hawaii
Construction & Equipment Accidents - Hawaii
Drowning and Swimming Pool Accidents - Hawaii
Recreational Accidents - Hawaii
Electrical Accidents - Hawaii
Elevator Accidents - Hawaii
Explosion Accidents - Hawaii
Insurance Claims and Bad Faith - Hawaii
Medical & Professional Malpractice - Hawaii
Dog Bites, Animal Attacks - Hawaii
Fall Accidents- Trip, Slip, etc. - Hawaii

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Hawaii Medical Experts - IME Medical Experts, DME Doctors- Recommended Doctors vs.
Biased IME Doctors who have sold out to the insurers and Insurance Company Doctors
This Hawaii Medical Experts page and the pages to which it links are provided in an effort to help patients and those who care about them to steer clear of biased IME doctors, insurance company doctors and uncaring and/or incompetent doctors. Since the courts and state agencies often do not allow adequate inquiry into insurance company control of a doctor's income stream and the governing authorities here in Hawaii do not deem it necessary to require doctors to practice medicine in the best manner available for the patient (see next paragraph), it is up to the public to educate itself and to share information about which doctors should be avoided and which seem to be fair and concerned about their patients. Obviously, this information here is being provided by a non-medical person and no authority exists whatsoever for these pronouncements- it is simply personal opinion based upon experience, hearsay and conjecture. If this information seems helpful- great- if not, ignore it as the ravings of an uninformed lunatic.
For more information about Defense Medical Exams, Insurance Company Doctors and the Rules which such doctors are supposed to follow, you may wish to visit:
Defense Medical Exams - Hawaii.
One of the reasons why the people of Hawaii should share their
feelings and information about doctors, physicians and chiropractors
in the islands is that historically Hawaii has a very low level of "self"-discipline of
medical professionals. Among the states, just a few years ago, Hawaii was dead
last in levels of discipline by the governing state
board. Although this lack of administrative discipline has been improving,
the public still needs to know and share its insight with one
another - especially for the doctors who perform the
so-called Independent Medical Exams. Our courts have determined
that these doctors have virtually no duties to the patient whom they
examine - so there is almost nothing which such doctors do
which the State administrative boards are authorized to review and correct.
Some doctors cut back on the practice of medicine after a while and replace it with
work for insurance companies doing insurance company medical examinations
(IME's). In most cases this evolves into an established ongoing business of writing reports which diminish the value of
an injured person's injuries. These doctors are sometimes referred to by the insurers
as Independent Medical Experts, but it is more
accurate to describe them as Defense Medical Experts.
The insurance companies find such doctors to
be of great financial benefit to them because these doctors
can provide insurers with admissible biased medical testimony which predictably
reduces the insurer's debt to a claimant. The "dark side" doctors predictably state that a person's injuries don't exist at all or that they are minimal and to the extent that a person does have any injuries, those injuries were pre-existing and are unrelated to the incident for which the insurer is liable.
Among the plaintiffs' bar, doctors who establish a practice of writing biased medical-legal reports for insurance companies are known as doctors who "have gone over to the dark side".
The lure of huge sums of money paid by insurance companies (for reports harmful to patients) is primarily
responsible for converting doctors over to the "dark side". Income
of over $500,000 a year is often earned by these doctors
just for performing defense oriented medical examinations - with minimal risk and minimal effort. The actual
writing of the medical reports is sometimes done mostly by staff and not by the doctor - further increasing profitability. The doctors who go down this road soon find that they spend their time
testifying against patients in hearings and court proceedings
for the purpose of reducing payouts by the insurance companies that hired them.
An enormous income stream becomes the reward- and the curse- of these
doctors. Once a doctor has converted to the dark side, the insurers
can cut the doctor's earnings off overnight if the doctor writes a report that an insurer believes is overly favorable
to a claimant. Since the choice of which DME doctor is used on a case is a choice which is completely within the
control of the insurance companies and the defense attorneys who work
for them, doctors who do not perform as expected are relegated to blacklist
status overnight. After writing a report favorable to a claimant, a DME doctor will be shunned by all insurance companies - ending their ongoing $500,000+ a year business overnight. DME doctors are aware of this risk and most form their "opinions" and write their reports to avoid it.
This problem is a lot more of a problem than the average person is aware.
It is damaging to the truth finding process and detrimental to the interests
of the court. The level of bias and dishonesty involved is much more than the
average juror is going to understand under the rules as they exist today.
Since the Hawaii rules of evidence (like those in most
jurisdictions) preclude litigants from even mentioning liability
insurance in most trials, juries never hear that these doctors are
reliant on a handful of insurance companies for their hefty annual incomes in their report-writing careers. The jurors never hear that the doctors can have their huge incomes cut off overnight if the doctor writes even one report that an insurer believes is overly favorable
to a claimant.. The jurors only see a doctor and a defense
attorney and they never even hear about the insurance companies and their opportunity to control the opinions
of the doctor. Since doctors generally are considered "healers" and hence
have a pretty good reputation- the insurance companies are able to take advantage of this generally favorable impression of doctors as a whole - in order to create a false impression with a "dark side" doctor providing
supposedly "independent" and reliable medical testimony.
One first step to addressing this problem would be to change the rules of
evidence so that insurance company involvement is no longer routinely excluded
from jury consideration. To begin with, efforts by claimants to avoid mentioning insurance makes many claimants look like they are "hiding something" in court and hurts their credibility unfairly. In addition, juries should be allowed to consider the effect of huge incomes from insurance companies in considering the opinions of "dark side" doctors. Most studies have shown that jurors assume the existence of liability insurance anyway and that a court's attempt to keep them from considering its effect doesn't work. Insurance and the amount of coverage is routinely discussed in mediations, arbitrations and court settlement conferences. In light of the warping effect of insurance
company money on this type of medical testimony in court, it is essential that jurors be
allowed to see the big picture. The political and financial power
of insurance companies should not be permitted to hide
this important evidence of what is really going on
from the deliberations of juries.
Please join us in supporting changes
to such unfair rules of evidence.
Recommended Doctors- Oahu
Neurosurgery & Disk Surgery
Gonzalo Chong, M.D., aka Ganzalo Chong, M.D., Dr. Gonzalo Chong, Dr. Ganzalo Chong
Jon F. Graham, M.D., aka Jon Graham, M.D., Dr. Jon F. Graham, Dr. Jon Graham
Leon Liem, M.D., aka Dr. Leon Liem
William G. Obana, M.D., aka William Obana, M.D., Dr. William G. Obana, Dr. William Obana (neurosurgery, neurosurgeon)
Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgeon
Darryl M. Kan M.D, Darryl Kan M.D, Dr. Darryl M. Kan, Dr. Darryl Kan
Jeffrey (Kimo) Harpstrite, MD, Jeffrey Harpstrite, MD, Dr. Jeffrey Kimo Harpstrite, Dr. Jeffrey Harpstrite (also Trauma Specialist)
Antonio B Cordero, MD, Antonio Cordero, MD, Dr. Antonio B Cordero, Dr. Antonio Cordero
Thomas J. Kane, MD, Thomas Kane, MD, Dr. Thomas J. Kane, Dr. Thomas Kane - lower extremities
Calvin S. Oishi, MD, Calvin Oishi, MD, Dr. Calvin S. Oishi, Dr. Calvin Oishi - lower extremities, esp. knees, and hip replacement
Jeffrey J K Lee, MD, Jeffrey Lee, MD, Dr. Jeffrey J K Lee, Dr. Jeffrey Lee
Stuart K. Wakatsuki, MD, Stuart Wakatsuki, MD, Dr. Stuart K. Wakatsuki, Dr. Stuart Wakatsuki, - Kailua, Hawaii
Morris (nmn) Mitsunaga, MD, Morris Mitsunaga, MD, Dr. Morris (nmn) Mitsunaga, Dr. Morris Mitsunaga
Gary Y. Okamura, MD, Gary Okamura, MD, Dr. Gary Y. Okamura, Dr. Gary Okamura
Peter (nmn) Diamond, MD, Peter Diamond, MD, Dr. Peter (nmn) Diamond, Dr. Peter Diamond (unfortunately Dr. Diamond is in a group "Honolulu Sports Medical Clinic Inc" with mostly insurance company doctors)
Neurology, Neurologist
Jordan S. Popper, MD, Jordan Popper, MD, Dr. Jordan S. Popper, Dr. Jordan Popper
Leo M. Maher, MD, Leo Maher, MD, Dr. Leo M. Maher, Dr. Leo Maher
James (nmn) Pearce, M.D., James Pearce, M.D., Dr. James (nmn) Pearce, Dr. James Pearce
Hand & Foot Surgeon, Orthopedic|Orthopaedic Surgery
Robert E. Atkinson, M.D., Robert Atkinson, M.D., Dr. Robert E. Atkinson, Dr. Robert Atkinson
Michael K Hahn, MD, Michael Hahn, MD, Dr. Michael K Hahn, Dr. Michael Hahn
Daniel I. Singer, M.D., Daniel Singer, M.D., Dr. Daniel I. Singer, Dr. Daniel Singer
Stuart K. Wakatsuki, M.D., Stuart Wakatsuki, M.D., Dr. Stuart K. Wakatsuki, Dr. Stuart Wakatsuki
Occupational Medicine
John S. Endicott MD, John Endicott MD, Dr. John S. Endicott, Dr. John Endicott
James R. Langworthy, MD, James Langworthy, MD, Dr. James R. Langworthy, Dr. James Langworthy
Vern K. Sasaki, MD, Vern Sasaki, MD, Dr. Vern K. Sasaki , Dr. Vern Sasaki
Rehabilitation, Occupational and Sports Medicine
Ira D. Zunin, MD, Ira Zunin, MD, Dr. Ira D. Zunin, Dr. Ira Zunin
Scott D. McCaffrey, MD, Scott McCaffrey, MD, Dr. Scott D. McCaffrey, Dr. Scott McCaffrey
Robert R. Sloan, M.D., Robert Sloan, MD, Dr. Robert R. Sloan, Dr. Robert Sloan
Pain Management - severe - and Anesthesiology
Mary Kathryn Schaefer, M.D., M. Kathryn Schaefer, M.D., Kathy Schaefer, MD, Dr. Mary Kathryn Schaefer, Dr. M. Kathryn Schaefer - Pain Management for severe cases
Richard P. Kappenberg, Ph.D., Richard Kappenberg, Ph.D., Richard P. Kappenberg, MD, Dr. Richard P. Kappenberg
Brian B. Combs, Ph.D., Brian Combs, Ph.D., Dr. Brian B. Combs, Dr. Brian Combs
Psychiatry- Psychiatrist - Forensic Psychiatrist
Boyd J. Slomoff, MD., aka Boyd Slomoff, MD. aka Dr. Boyd J. Slomoff aka Dr. Boyd Slomoff (male)
Daryl Matthews, MD., aka Daryl (nmn) Matthews, MD. aka Dr. Daryl Matthews aka Dr. Daryl (nmn) Matthews (male)
Robert Marvit, MD., aka Robert C. Marvit, MD. aka Dr. Robert Marvit aka Dr. Robert C. Marvit (semi-retired)
Psychology- Psychologist- Clinical Psychologist
Rene Tillich, Ph.D., aka Rene (nmn) Tillich, Ph.D. aka Dr. Rene Tillich aka Dr. Rene (nmn) Tillich (male)
Psychology- Psychologist- Clinical Psychologist - PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Chalsa M. Loo, Ph.D., aka Chalsa Loo, Ph.D., aka Dr. Chalsa M. Loo, aka Dr. Chalsa Loo
Silke (nmn) Vogelmann-Sine, Ph.D., aka Silke Vogelmann-Sine, Ph.D., aka Dr. Silke (nmn) Vogelmann-Sine, aka Dr. Silke Vogelmann-Sine
Roger Hamada, Ph.D aka Roger S. Hamada, Ph.D, aka Dr. Roger Hamada, aka Dr. Roger S. Hamada
Warren Loos, Ph.D., aka Dr. Warren Loos
Developmental Psychology- Child Psychology- Autism
Maggie Koven, aka Dr. Maggie Koven, Loveland Academy
Ann Pulozzi
Child Psychology
Linda Yamamoto, Ph.D, aka Dr. Linda Yamamoto
Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology
J. Scott Kortvelesy, MD, aka Scott Kortvelesy, MD, aka Dr. J. Scott Kortvelesy, aka Dr. Scott Kortvelesy
Gary Edwards, MD, Gary (nmn) Edwards, MD, aka Dr. Gary Edwards, aka Dr. Gary (nmn) Edwards
Percival H. Chee MD, MD, aka Percival Chee MD, MD, aka Dr. Percival H. Chee MD, aka Dr. Percival Chee
Speech Language Pathology (Speech Pathology), Audiology, Psychology
Dr. Patricia J. Dukes, aka Dr. Patricia Dukes, aka Dr. Patty J. Dukes, aka Dr. Patty Dukes, Loveland Academy
Mary Marasovich (speech pathology)
Orthopaedics (Orthopedics), Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
Timothy F. Olderr, MD, Timothy Olderr, MD, Dr. Timothy F. Olderr, Dr. Timothy Olderr
Bernard M. Portner, MD, Bernard Portner, MD, Dr. Bernard M. Portner, Dr. Bernard Portner
Internal Medicine- Internist
Clyde T. Miyaki M.D., aka Clyde Miyaki M.D, Dr. Clyde T. Miyaki, Dr. Clyde Miyaki (internal medicine, internist)
Lance (nmn) Yokochi M.D., aka Lance Yokochi M.D, Dr. Lance (nmn) Yokochi, Dr. Lance Yokochi (internal medicine, internist - also occupational medicine, occmed)
Internal Medicine- RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Disorder)
Eugene M. Lee, MD, aka Eugene Lee, MD, Dr. Eugene M. Lee, Dr. Eugene Lee (internal medicine, internist, RSD, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Disorder)
Physiatrist, Physiatry, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Linda J Rowan, MD, Linda Rowan, MD, Dr. Linda J Rowan, Dr. Linda Rowan
Marlon P. Rimando, MD, Marlon Rimando, MD, Dr. Marlon P. Rimando, Dr. Marlon Rimando
Gary A. Okamoto, MD, Gary Okamoto, MD, Dr. Gary A. Okamoto, Dr. Gary Okamoto
Robert R. Sloan, M.D., Robert Sloan, MD, Dr. Robert R. Sloan, Dr. Robert Sloan
Infections Expert, Infectious Disease Expert
William K. Lau, MD , William Lau, MD , Dr. William K. Lau, Dr. William Lau
Dental Expert, TMJ, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
George A. Wessberg, D.D.S., George Wessberg, DDS, Dr. George A. Wessberg, Dr. George Wessberg (reconstructive dentistry) (active in community service also)
Lonnie W. Tiner, D.D.S., Lonnie Tiner, DDS, Dr. Lonnie W. Tiner, Dr. Lonnie Tiner (now lives in Yucca Valley, California
Dental Expert, TMJ
Todd T. Tasaki, D.D.S., Todd Tasaki, DDS, Dr. Todd T. Tasaki, Dr. Todd Tasaki
Armand K. Chong, DDS, Armand Chong, DDS, Dr. Armand K. Chong, Dr. Armand Chong
Mark M. Tasaki, D.D.S., Mark Tasaki, DDS, Dr. Mark M. Tasaki, Dr. Mark Tasaki
Chiropractor, Chiropractic Medicine
Nicholas G. Opie DC, Nicholas Opie DC, Dr. Nicholas G. Opie, Dr. Nicholas Opie
Eugene (nmn) Kitts DC, Eugene Kitts DC, Dr. Eugene (nmn) Kitts, Dr. Eugene Kitts
Alex (nmn) Concepcion, DC, Alex Concepcion, DC, Dr. Alex (nmn) Concepcion, Dr. Alex Concepcion
Impairment Ratings, Independent Medical Exams (IMEs)
Typically, a specialist in the area of injury chosen from the list of recommended doctors (the upper part of this page) should be appropriate. Some doctors who have generally been fair include:
John S. Endicott MD, John Endicott MD, Dr. John S. Endicott, Dr. John Endicott
James R. Langworthy, MD, James Langworthy, MD, Dr. James R. Langworthy, Dr. James Langworthy
Morris (nmn) Mitsunaga, MD, Morris Mitsunaga, MD, Dr. Morris (nmn) Mitsunaga, Dr. Morris Mitsunaga
Jon F. Graham, M.D., aka Jon Graham, M.D., Dr. Jon F. Graham, Dr. Jon Graham
Gary A. Okamoto, MD, Gary Okamoto, MD, Dr. Gary A. Okamoto, Dr. Gary Okamoto
Peter (nmn) Diamond, MD, Peter Diamond, MD, Dr. Peter (nmn) Diamond, Dr. Peter Diamond
Lance (nmn) Yokochi M.D., aka Lance Yokochi M.D, Dr. Lance (nmn) Yokochi, Dr. Lance Yokochi (internal medicine, internist - also occupational medicine, occmed)
Scott D. McCaffrey, MD, Scott McCaffrey, MD, Dr. Scott D. McCaffrey, Dr. Scott McCaffrey
Recommended Doctors- Maui
Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgeon
Darren K. Egami, MD, Darren Egami, MD, Dr. Darren K. Egami, Dr. Darren Egami
Charles A. Soma, MD, Charles Soma, MD, Dr. Charles A. Soma, Dr. Charles Soma (please be warned that Dr. Soma does not like hearing lots of complaining)
Psychology- Psychologist
Richard (nmn) Sword, Ph.D., Richard Sword, Ph.D., Dr. Richard (nmn) Sword, Dr. Richard Sword
Mark Breithaupt, Ph.D., Mark Breithaupt, Ph.D., Dr. Mark Breithaupt, Dr. Mark Breithaupt
Pain Management
Michael A. Klaper, MD, Michael Klaper, MD, Dr. Michael A. Klaper, Dr. Michael Klaper
Jeffrey H. Chester, DO, Jeffrey Chester, DO, Dr. Jeffrey H. Chester, Dr. Jeffrey Chester
Charles (nmn) Ballard, DO, Charles Ballard, DO, Dr. Charles (nmn) Ballard, Dr. Charles Ballard
Recommended Doctors - Big Island of Hawaii
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Robert R. Sloan, M.D., Robert Sloan, MD, Dr. Robert R. Sloan, Dr. Robert Sloan
Recommended Doctors- Kauai
Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgeon
Timothy E. Schendel, MD, Timothy Schendel, MD, Dr. Timothy E. Schendel
, Dr. Timothy Schendel
Physiatrist, Physiatry, Physical Medicine
Gil (nmn) Hagar, MD, Gil Hagar, MD, Dr. Gil (nmn) Hagar, Dr. Gil Hagar
So-called IME Medical Experts, DME Doctors That You May Want To Avoid- Doctors Who Do Lots of Work for Insurance Companies, Doctors who Are Regarded by Some as Insurance Company Doctors (** = special concern)
General practice and areas of specialty
Parthenia Medical Group, aka Parthenia, aka PMG - a mainland California company that flies doctors in to Hawaii to perform biased medical examinations - the doctor gets a paid vacation in return for writing a medical report for an insurance company. Most of the doctors are not even licensed in Hawaii.
Bruce Hector, MD aka Dr. Bruce Hector (unknown specialty)**
(One of the directors of Parthenia Medical Group) (For an examination of the kind of damage these Insurance Doctors can do- take a look at Chung v. GTE Hawaiian Telephone Co., Inc., Intermediate Court Of Appeals No. 25220 (Sept. 9, 2004) which required 4 years and an appellate court decision to reverse the impact of Dr. Hector's anti-patient "IME") (This was an unpublished opinion.)
Clarissa T. Burkert, MD, aka Clarissa Burkert, MD, Dr. Clarissa T. Burkert, Dr. Clarissa Burkert **(Dr. Burkert was in a group called "Honolulu Sports Medical Clinic Inc" and was one of several doctors in this misnamed group who never see patients there - and instead see only patients sent by insurance companies and defense lawyers).
Maurice W. Nicholson, M.D., aka Maurice Nicholson, M.D., Dr. Maurice W. Nicholson, Dr. Maurice Nicholson (neurosurgery, neurosurgeon)**
Calvin C. Kam, M.D., aka Calvin Kam, M.D., Dr. Calvin C. Kam, Dr. Calvin Kam (neurosurgery, neurosurgeon)**
Anthony J. Mauro, M.D., aka Anthony Mauro, M.D., Dr. Anthony J. Mauro, Dr. Anthony Mauro (neurology, neurologist, internal medicine, internist)** (Dr. Mauro is considered by some as an "insurance doctor of last resort" - and has been used to even overcome prior pro-claimant reports by other insurance company doctors!)
Ronald H. Kienitz, DO., aka Ronald Kienitz, DO., Dr. Ronald H. Kienitz, Dr. Ronald Kienitz**
Chet Nierenberg, M.D., aka Chet Nierenberg, M.D., Dr. Chet Nierenberg, Dr. Chet Nierenberg (Dr. Nierenberg is the director of the misnamed Honolulu Sports Medical Group, Inc. which might be more accurately named the "Honolulu Insurance Company Doctors Group". He trains doctors in how to be convincing before juries at trial and he gives talks to insurance personnel with titles like "10 WAYS to GET A BETTER IME (How to get the most Bang for your Buck)")**
Kenneth K. Nakano, MD aka Kenneth Nakano, MD, Dr. Kenneth K. Nakano, Dr. Kenneth Nakano (neurology, neurologist)**
Robert L. Smith, MD aka Robert Smith, MD, Dr. Robert L. Smith, Dr. Robert Smith (orthopaedic surgeon, orthopedic surgeon, orthopod)**
Leonard N. Cupo, MD aka Leonard Cupo, MD, Dr. Leonard N. Cupo, Dr. Leonard N. Cupo (internal medicine, internist)**
Jon (nmn) Streltzer, MD aka Jon Streltzer, MD, Dr. Jon (nmn) Streltzer, Dr. Jon Streltzer (psychiatry, psychiatrist)**
James (nmn) Pierce M.D. aka James Pierce M.D., Dr. James (nmn) Pierce, Dr. James Pierce (neurology, neurologist)**
Kent (nmn) Davenport M.D, Kent Davenport M.D, Dr. Kent (nmn) Davenport, Dr. Kent Davenport (orthopaedic surgeon, orthopedic surgery)
Ramon H. Bagby, M.D, Ramon Bagby, MD, Dr. Ramon H. Bagby, Dr. Ramon Bagby (orthopaedic surgeon, orthopedic surgery)
Clifford (nmn) Lau, M.D., Clifford Lau, MD, Dr. Clifford (nmn) Lau, Dr. Clifford Lau (orthopaedic surgeon, orthopedic surgery) (regarded by some as a doctor consistently favoring the State of Hawaii).
Stephen M. Hirasuna, MD, Stephen Hirasuna, MD, Dr. Stephen M. Hirasuna, Dr. Stephen Hirasuna (orthopaedic surgeon, orthopedic surgery)
Jon H. Scarpino, MD, Jon Scarpino, MD, Dr. Jon H. Scarpino, Dr. Jon Scarpino (orthopaedic surgeon, orthopedic surgery) (According to some reports Dr. Scarpino is getting better.)
Michael Allen Gould, DDS, Dr. Michael Allen Gould, Michael Gould, DDS, Dr. Michael Gould - a Parthenia Medical Group dentist - brought to Hawaii to perform insurance company sponsored dental examinations. (Dr. Gould was sent a warning letter by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs in 2009 for performing dental exams and practicing dentistry in Hawaii without the appropriate license. (Bocalbos))
Insurers who insist on using biased medical examiners in an effort to routinely deny insurance benefits to injured people do have some risk. In Hangarter v. Provident Life and Accident Ins. Co., 373 F.3d 998, 1010-1011 (9th Cir. 2004) the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals noted that Provident had used the same medical examiner at least 19 times over the past 5 years. Moreover, in 13 of 13 claims for disability insurance coverage the medical examiner rejected the total disability claim each time. The Court asserted that the repeated use of a biased medical examiner overcomes any presumption that a carrier's denial of a claim is a "genuine dispute". Instead such a practice constitutes evidence of bad faith on the part of the carrier and may give rise to an independent cause of action against the insurance carrier. Unfortunately, very few courts to date have publicly recognized the extent of this common insurance company practice which seeks to deny policyholders and claimants the very benefits for which the insurance was purchased.
Doctors Who You May Wish to Avoid- Other Reasons
General practice and all alleged specialties
Sharon S. Lawler M.D, aka Sharon Lawler, M.D., Dr. Sharon S. Lawler, Dr. Sharon Lawler (internist, internal medicine) (Medical record problems and lack of responsiveness to medical information requests have been reported)
Susan M Cauley M.D, aka Susan Cauley, M.D., Dr. Susan M Cauley, Dr. Susan Cauley (Medical record problems with lack of responsiveness to medical information requests have been reported)
For more information about Defense Medical Exams, Insurance Company Doctors and the Rules which such doctors are supposed to follow, you may wish to visit:
Defense Medical Exams - Hawaii.